Promising Miss Bowie 祝福

Yonfan楊凡|Hong Kong香港|1990|98’|Cantonese粵語
Carol “DoDo”CHENG鄭裕玲| Gloria YIP葉蘊儀|CHUN Hon秦漢

About Story

Yonfan's first foray into a non-glamorous milieu is still unmistakably Yonfan in its Douglas Sirkian melodrama and visual beauty. Laughter and tears are intentionally combined in a powerful performance by 'Do Do' CHENG, then Hong Kong's top female box office star. She's Miss Bowie, a scheming businesswoman who learns there's more to life than making money when called upon to raise her niece (Gloria YIP, then at the height of her teen idol popularity). Love enters the picture when her first love (Taiwanese superstar CHUN Hon) miraculously reappears after 20 years. But this being a Yonfan picture, no one is truly happy till they are exquisitely miserable, as Bowie discovers when struck down by a fatal illness.


通天經紀寶姨貝寶如為口奔馳,經常要以自己的口才及風騷魅力去掙生意,但往往因年紀大了而被她那青春貌美的徒弟嘉嘉搶去生意,一天,寶如收到姊寶清由澳門寄來的信,說自己因遺傳病發作,已不久於人世,托寶如代為照顧女兒 Pinky,寶如一直懷疑自己非母所出,與寶清更無來往,不欲照顧 Pinky,不過 Pinky天生機人,騙寶如說自己乃二百萬美金遺產的繼承人,寶如看錢份上,把 Pinky帶回香港供養。

Pinky到港後處處表現冷漠,寶如欲打聽遺產之事,Pinky偏守口如瓶,二人各師各法,期間寶如的初戀對象白馬皇子高文傑再次出現,得 Pinky施妙計把二人撮合,又因 Pinky 的聰敏,幫助寶如搶回不少生意,寶如覺Pinky不失為一個好幫手,且孤苦無依,二人逐漸了解,真摰的感情慢慢產生,後寶如得悉二百萬遺產並不存在,二人關係再度惡化,但最終亦能化解,感情再進一步恰如母女,亦似朋友般親切,寶如正覺萬事如意,與高文傑的戀情亦到開花結果階段。

此時 Pinky的生父百萬富翁周偉才在遍尋Pinky下落之後,終把她找着,要領回撫養,另一方面,寶如發現自己亦患上遺傳絕症,至此乃確信自己不是養女, 與 Pinky 實有血緣關係,乍喜還憂,因寶如知自己不久於人世,無奈要與Pinky 分離,遂設計把她送回周偉才處,二人難捨難離,肝腸寸斷。