Double Fixation 意亂情迷
Yonfan楊凡|Hong Kong香港|1987|96’|Cantonese粵語
Cherie CHUNG鍾楚紅|Jacky CHEUNG張學友
About Story
Hitchcock meets High Camp in Yonfan's black comedy, DOUBLE FIXATION. IT is a mixture of mystery, murder, and mirth that is as much Brail as Vertigo. Asian audiences a quarter-century ago might not have been so "in" on the humor of a film so ahead of its time that DOUBLE FIXATION hasn't aged a bit in the intervening years. In one of his first major screen roles, music megastar Jacky CHEUNG plays a photographer madly in love with Cherie CHUNG - she's so breathtakingly gorgeous but she's far more complex than he realizes, disappearing and reappearing in San Francisco. An added attraction is that the scene was shot on the actual San Francisco street where Kim Novak tormented James Stewart in Vertigo. It all adds up to a unique '80s blend of Hong Kong and Hollywood, a stylistically Yonfan double fixation.
張學友第一次遇見鍾楚紅時,正是驚鴻一瞥,被她的美艷吸引住. 而當張第一次再見到鍾時,竟然捲入一件命案的漩渦. 當他遇險時,鍾又神秘地出現救他, 一切都顯得撲朔迷離。