Immortal Story 海上花

Yonfan楊凡|Hong Kong香港|1986|100’|Mandarin國語
Sylvia CHANG張艾嘉|YAO Wai姚煒|Tsurumi SHINGO鶴見辰吾

• 1st International Film Festival & Awards Macao 第一屆澳門國際影展

About Story

IMMORTAL STORY depicts the story of the love affair between a small time chanteuse and her Japanese beau. They met when both were young and pretty and many years later he became a drug addict and she a fallen woman. Immortal Story is Yonfan’s homage to the classic Orson Welles drama set in the then Portuguese colony of Macau, and marks Yonfan’s first time collaboration with Asian superstar Sylvia Chang.

